
27 Unique Facts About Turkeys

Turkeys are large birds that look similar to chickens.Turkeys are related to dinosaurs such as the velociraptor. It is a social and intelligent animal that is related to pheasants and grouse.
So, take a look at these fascinating facts about the animal turkey.

  1. Wild turkeys have very powerful legs and can run at the speed of 40 kph(25 mph).They can fly at a speed of 88 kmh (55 miles per hour).
  2. The thing that hangs on the beak of a turkey is known as called as snood.
  3. They have a wingspan of mainly 4.5 feet.
  4. Turkeys evolved around 20 million years ago in north America. They share a common ancestor with grouse, pheasants and other fowl.
  5. They do not really have ears like humans, but they can hear really well.
  6. Benjamin franklin the founding father of the united states wanted turkey to be their national bird.
  7. In the early 1900s turkeys were almost wiped out. Today there are enough wild turkeys are in every state except alaska.
  8. Turkey’s heads tend to change colours when they become excited.
  9. In 2017, during thanksgiving americans ate 45 million turkeys.
  10. The babies of turkeys are often called as poults and are tan and borwn.
  11. In 2003 United States turkey growers raised about 270 million
  12. Most domestic turkeys are not capable of flying.
  13. The breeding of the bird has caused their breasts to grow so large that they fall over.
  14. Turkeys can adapt to wide variety of habitats. However most turkeys are found in the grassy regions of hardwood forests.
  15. The wild turkeys have excellent sense of vision. They have a field vision of about 270 degrees. This is the main reason they elude some of their chasers.
  16. The five most popular ways to serve leftover turkey is as a sandwich, in stew, chili or soup, casseroles and as a burger.
  17. It takes 34-36 Kg(75 -85 pounds) of feed to raise a 30 pound tom turkey.
  18. In england, 200 years ago, turkeys were walked to the markets in herds. They wore booties to protect their feet. At that time the turkeys were also walked to the markets of the united states.
  19. The ballroom dance the “turkey trot” was named for the short, jerky steps that turkeys take.
  20. Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can’t find any food.
  21. According to the census, there were about 8436 turkeys farms in the united states.
  22. A domesticated male turkey can reach a weight of 30 pounds within 18 weeks after hatching.
  23. Although the turkey originated in North and Central America around 10 million years ago, it was mistakenly named after what was believed to be its country of origin.
  24. The wild turkey is native to Northern Mexico and the Eastern United States.After eating, a housefly regurgitates its food and then eats it again.
  25. Wild turkeys can fly for short distances up to 55 miles per hour.
  26. The costume that “Big Bird” wears on Sesame Street is rumored to be made of turkey feathers. A domestic cat sleeps for up to 14 hours a day.
  27. Turkeys can see movement almost a hundred yards away.

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