
16 Fascinating Facts About Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe, officially known as the Republic of Zimbabwe, is located in southern Africa. It is a country that has rich history and culture. The country is home to unique ruins of ancient African kingdoms and civilizations that are culturally and historically significant to understand ancient African kingdoms and civilizations. Wildlife is one of Zimbabwe’s most valuable resources. Zimbabwe has many different cultures, each with its own set of beliefs and ceremonies, one of which is Shona. Shona is Zimbabwe’s largest ethnic group. The Shona people have created numerous sculptures and carvings using the finest materials available.

  1. Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in the African continent bordered by the Republic of South Africa to the south, Botswana to the southwest and west, Zambia to the north, Mozambique to the northeast and east.
  2. The name “Zimbabwe” is derived from a Shona term for Great Zimbabwe, which is an ancient city in the country’s southeast part whose remains are now protected. The country was formerly known as Southern Rhodesia in 1898, Rhodesia in 1965, and Zimbabwe Rhodesia in 1979.
  3. Zimbabwe has the highest number of official languages than any other country. Zimbabwe’s constitution has provision for 16 official languages, which are Chewa, Chibarwe, English, Kalanga, Khoisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, and sign language. However, 70% of the population speaks Shona, and 20% speak Ndebele.
  4. In October 2008, inflation in Zimbabwe surged to 231,000,000%.
  5. The victoria falls, nestled on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, is the largest waterfall on the globe and is also on the list of 7 natural wonders. The waterfall colossal curtain of water stretches about 1,708 meters and reaches a height of 108 meters.
  6. The noise of the Victoria Falls can be heard from over a distance of 40 Kilometers. Whereas the spray and mist of the falling water reaches a height of over 400 meters and can be seen from a distance of 50 km.
  7. Sable Antelope is the national animal of the country. Whereas the Zimbabwe bird is the national bird.
  8. The biggest currency note in Zimbabwe is the 100 trillion dollar bill (1014) which have a worth of only 40 United States Cent.
  9. Lake Kariba, along the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, is the world’s largest man-made lake and reservoir by volume. It lies 810 mi (1,300 kilometers) upstream from the Indian Ocean.
  10. The nation is considered a young country as 62% of the country’s population is below the age of 25 years.
  11. The country has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites, out of which three are cultural, and two are natural.
  12. Zimbabwe is the 6th biggest producer of tobacco on the planet, with a production of 132.2 thousand metric tonnes.
  13. The national emblem of the country is the Zimbabwe bird. The white triangles stand for hope for the future and denote peace. At the same time, the red star stands for internationalism.
  14. The top 5 exports of Zimbabwe are Gold ($1.96 Billion), Raw Tobacco ($467 Million), Ferroalloys ($466 Million), Chromium Ore ($229 Million), and Diamonds ($215 Million).
  15. The top 5 imports of Zimbabwe are Refined Petroleum ($1.47 Billion), Delivery Trucks ($191 Million), Packaged Medicaments ($152 Million), Cars ($145 Million), and Nitrogenous Fertilizers ($137 Million).
  16. Only About 17.3% of children between the age of two to six receive the recommended minimum diet for adequate nutrition.

  • CAPITAL CITY: Harare
  • POPULATION:1.63 crores
  • LARGEST CITY: Harare
  • OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: Shona and 9 others
  • GDP NOMINAL: $22.290 billion
  • GDP RANK: 110th
  • CURRENCY: US dollar and RTGS dollar
  • FOUNDED: 18 April 1980
  • FATHER OF THE NATION: Joshua Nkomo
  • TOTAL AREA: 390,757 km2
  • AREA RANK: 26th worldwide
  • CONTINENT: Africa
  • ARMY STRENGTH: 29,000
  • ARMY RANK: 101st
  • LITERACY RATE: 88.69%
  • PER CAPITA INCOME: 2,740 PPP dollars (2019)


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